I got him the movie Once Upon A Time In The West and he seemed thrilled to get it. Double disc set. Mom got him an Antonio Aguilar CD. I think that was the guys name. I can’t really read it from the pictures I took.
He said he liked the light and the knife. I watched him put it on his keychain so hopefully he didn’t take them off as soon as I left the house. ha.
Happy birthday dad! And as it turns out I was born when he was 32 so I told them I got two years to have a kid of my own before its to late. No presssure.
Good blog Happy birthday to your daddy.
Dont know who this eddie is, but im pretty sure the stuff was cool.
by the way like his zztop beard lol i told him that the other day & he started doing air guitar lol
These are great pictures of you all, and yeah, no pressure about having kids! LOL
dude , I have’nt seen your parents in a long time …. I dont remember your dad sporting a beard then, but then again I dont remember what I did yesterday , so whats new !