
May 2, 2006

Biking Again

This is an old photo of my bike but it will server this entries purpose.Since I moved into this neighborhood I have always wanted to get back into riding my bike since its a pretty nice neighborhood; lots of trees and nice homes. So yesterday during lunch I took it over to Bicycle World to…

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May 2, 2006


For the longest time the Lab manager, Rosie, here at work has had a brand new Polaroid I-Zone in her office and after months of asking her for it she finally caved. An I-Zone is a Polaroid camera in which its pictures are taken on a small sticker.For some reason the pictures I took came…

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May 1, 2006

Blogger for Word

Since going to and creating a new entry for my blog seems to be to tedious I am giving this Blogger for Word Add-In a try. I am running Office 07 Beta and it looks like it installed fine. I setup my username and password and it looks like I can edit my most…

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April 28, 2006

The Blogger Blog

I have been having a lot of problems with my website. I have used two seperate Content Management Systems but they are both very slow. One was Geeklog and the other Joomla. Joomla was working very well at first but then it became very slow for me and for the few people that check out…

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March 28, 2006

X10 Home Automation Project 1

Surely, you have heard of X10. X10 got very popular because they started the whole POPUP advertisement craze. For that, they got a bad name. Back then they were advertising their wireless cameras. I always thought X10 was a brand when in reality it is a technology.X10 is a technology that transmits signals through your…

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March 25, 2006

First Night

Well, tonight marks the second week of me staying at my new home. I can say it has been pretty good. Everyone always wants to hear about my first night. Let me tell you a little about my home. I won’t be posting pictures til after the house warming party next month. Anyway, it’s a…

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February 27, 2006


Damn that wallpaper. I have one wall left to paint and it had to be covered with wallpaper. I have never removed paper before so I didn’t think it was going to be such a pain. Rob started removing some of it while I was painting and he had a helluva time. After awhile he…

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February 23, 2006

Missing in Action

Incase anyone has missed me let me fill you in on where and what I have been doing for the past few weeks. Sometime in October I got an itch to buy a Harley Davidson V-Rod. After about a week or so of looking at them, I was sitting on the toilet and it dawned…

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January 26, 2006

Fun with Photoshop

Not my best but its my first attempt at Mini-izing my Colorado.I was going to try the Corvette but I don’t have a good profile of her. I had a little bit of time before lunch so I gave it a try. When I first got the truck a lot of the girls here at…

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January 22, 2006

My Brother the Father

Well, not a Father but a Pastor. My brother of 33 up and moved to Abbeville, Louisianna to be a pastor at a church there. Before he moved over there Hurrican Rita tore up the town pretty good so thats where the rebuilding comes in. He sent us the copy of the local newspaper where…

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