Archives · January 7, 2009 4

The Red Eye

As I write this, my left eye is a tad bit bloodshot. I don’t think I have ever had the Pink Eye so I am not sure if that is what it is, you dig? I didn’t feel any discomfort until I started looking at the computer screen.

Well, as reported yesterday, today I moved in to the new office, on the east side. They put the furniture in, arranged by the help of Adri, and I got the computer online. So getting the phone working, and getting some of other junk in there is left to do. Hardly had any time today for all that. 
I only sat there for about thirty minutes at the end of the day and its alright, definitely a lot more traffic in that area and no more private restroom! 
I think I will walk on over to that other restroom when I need to 😉