Archives · May 22, 2007 0

Friends And Family

Slowly but surely I have been coercing my friends and family to start blogging. To the right you will see links to their sites in order of creation. Hopefully, I can get more of my friends blogging and maybe they can get their wives and children blogging.

The Shit I Won’t Forget:
This is my friend Rob’s blog. Mostly blogs about cars and projects he works on.

Mensage Abierto:
My friend and co-worker Javier’s blog. Mensage Abierto is Spanish for Open Message. Usually blogs about his life with Christ.

In The Lords Army:
My friend from from church Juan’s blog. Also happens to be my brothers best friend. Just started blogging so we will see what it becomes.

The Preacher:
My brother the father! Well, not a father but he is my brother; a baptist pastor. His new blog. He preaches in Louisiana and its great to be able to read his past messages.

There you have it. Hopefully, they blog more then I do and maybe someone will find this site and then in turn find their blog and get something out of it.