Gramma,dont know u,in fact i dont know anyone except for Lucy in this whole blog thing but what i have read about gramma in these comments and in others is that she has alot of love and have noticed that any time she expresses her concerns about anyone she does it in a kind and loving manner. I too struggle and when i mean struggle i mean just that. It’s not easy especially when you were born and raised in the church. I have been in and out since I turned 18. Then got married and tried again. Then got separated a couple of yrs ago and have been doing the “wordly” thing ever since. I feel bad saying this but i only go to church now just to see my mom. Of course,there are those very touching messages that make me realize I need to change not only need to change but unfortunatley they haven’t been enough for me to turn my life around. But there goes the same excuse,It’s Hard! Lucy knows all that i’ve been thru and she’s been a great friend all thru out,thanx Lucy. And like Sal mentioned,(Sal dont know u but understand u :-D)not everyone has the same convictions nor will everyone ever. God knows our hearts though and whether your actually concerned or just wanting to be judgemental about anything that doesnt fit your “christianity standards” God knows so u aint foolin’ anyone, Mr. “Anonymous”. That’s for the country music blog to gramma…how disrespectful! Anyway,being that i dont know u guys i hope i didnt offend anyone of u. Those were not my intentions. Anyway,Sal,glad to hear cray comments dont bother you.